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Monday 9 January 2012

Home Remedies For Leg Cramps, Effective Natural Treatment

Discomfort and pain caused by involuntary contraction of leg muscles is known as leg cramps. It can be caused due to nerve abnormalities, dehydration, overweight, rigorous exercises, fluid imbalances, muscle fatigue and diminished blood supply. Some of the common symptoms of leg cramps are inability to move leg, muscle tenderness and severe pain in the legs while sitting, lying down or walking.
Home Remedies
There are several home remedies for leg cramps which are easy to try and simple to use within the comforts of your home. Some of the popular home remedies are:
1. One of the simplest home remedies is to drink a glass of milk before going to sleep on daily basis. This will help in reducing the frequent occurrence of leg pain.
2. Drink plenty of water every day in order to prevent dehydration. You can even consume juice but try to avoid caffeinated drinks and alcohol.
3. Red raspberry-leaf tea is also very effective in treating leg pain. For fourteen days daily drink one cup of red raspberry-leaf tea, one in the morning and one in the night.
4. Chamomile tea is very helpful in treating leg cramps. It helps in reducing muscle pain. All you need to do is drink five cups of chamomile tea on daily basis for the next two weeks.
5. Before you go to bed take a hot shower and let the warm water run on your affected leg. You can even try pouring hot water on your affected leg in order to relax it.
6. You can massage the affected area with essential oils such as rosemary oil, eucalyptus oil and lavender oil. Now take a towel and dip it in a hot water. Squeeze this towel and wrap it on the affected area.
7. Make it a daily habit of consuming two tablespoons of honey in order to prevent leg cramps.
8. Bananas are a rich source of potassium You can eat two to three bananas every day in order to increase the level of potassium in the body. This will be very helpful in treating leg cramps.
9. Take a glass of lukewarm water and add one tablespoon each of apple cider vinegar, calcium lactate and honey in it. Mix it well and drink. Drinking this milk once daily will help in giving relief from the pain.
10. You can apply hot water bottle on the affected area in order to get relief from the cramps.
11. Coconut oil, rumatone gold oil and almond oil are very effective in treating leg pain. You can use any one of these oils. Heat the oil until its warm enough. Massage the affected leg with this warm oil.
12. Daily eating three to four walnuts every morning on empty stomach is also equally beneficial in treating the problem of leg cramps.
13. Tonic water is known to have quinine which is very helpful in giving relief from pain. It is one of the effective home remedies for leg pain.
14. Taking three teaspoons of cramp bark tincture three times in a day is also very effective in preventing leg cramp to happen.
These were some of the effective home remedies for leg cramps which are simple, cost-effective and safe to use.

Home Remedies For Kidney Stones, Effective Natural Treatment

Deposits of organic or mineral substances that form in the kidneys are known as kidney stones. It is also known as renal calculi. These stones can vary in size. These stones when present in the kidney do not cause any problem but once these stones get lodged in the ureter, then these stones can really cause a problem. These stones can cause pain and disturb the metabolism of the body.

Home Remedies For Kidney Stones, Effective Natural Treatment

Hone Remedies

There are several home remedies for kidney stones which are simple to follow and less complicated when applied in our daily routine. Some of the popular home remedies are:
1. One of the simplest and effective home remedies for kidney stones is to drink lots of water. It helps in keeping kidney stones under control. You can even try drinking fruit juice which is also equally beneficial.
2. Watermelon is also one of the best home remedies for kidney stones. Among all fruits it is known to have highest water concentration. It is rich in potassium salts and is considered to be one of the best and safest diuretics.
3. Vitamin A helps in preventing formation of stones in the body and strengthens the urinary system. Therefore make it a daily habit of consuming foods rich in vitamin A.
4. Onion is also helpful in treating kidney stones. Boil a glass of water and add two to three small onions in it. Let it boil for ten to fifteen minutes. Now strain the mixture and let it cool down. Add little salt and sugar to it. Drink this solution two to three times daily.
5. Basil leaves are also effective in curing stones. All you need to do is take four to five leaves of basil and extract their juice. Add this juice to a tablespoon of honey and mix them properly. Daily take this mixture every morning for the next four to six months. This is one of the effective natural home remedies for kidney stones.
6. We all are familiar with coconut water. Drinking coconut water on regular basis helps in breaking up the stones as a result of which it becomes easier for them to pass out in urine.
7. Take two cups of horse grams and one cup of pomegranate seeds. Make a soup out of them. Consuming this soup is also very helpful in treating kidney stones.
8. Drink a mixture of olive oil (two oz) and lemon juice (two oz) followed with a large glass of water. This home remedy can help the stones to pass out of the body within twenty four hours.
9. Daily consume a glass of orange juice. It will prevent formation of kidney stones.
10. Try to avoid foods like tomato, cucumber, cabbage, asparagus, meat, cauliflower, spinach and radish.
11. Do not consume carbonated beverages and alcohol.
12. Consuming celery on regular basis helps in preventing stone formation.
13. Certain yogasanas such as uttanpadasana, halasana, pavanmuktasana, dhanurasana and bhujangasana are very helpful in activating the kidneys.
14. Eat grapes on regular basis as they are high in potassium salt and water. They are also known for their diuretic value.
The above mentioned home remedies for stones are some of the oldest and most popular home remedies.

Home Remedies For Kidney Cleansing, Effective Natural Treatment

Kidney cleansing is the process of detoxification of the kidneys. It helps to flush out toxic wastes and dissolve stones present in the kidney. But one should remember that kidney cleansing should be done before the cleansing of liver and digestive system as it can cause serious healthy complications.

Kidney Cleansing Home Remedies

There are several home remedies for kidney cleansing which are simple to follow and can be tried at home with ease. Some of the common home remedies for kidney cleansing are:

1. One of the simplest home remedies for kidney cleansing is to take a fast. It provides the necessary rest to the kidneys as a result of which the kidneys are able to perform damage control exercises.

2. Corn silk is also one of the efficient home remedies for kidney cleansing. Corn silk is a herb which is rich in potassium and vitamin K. It is a diuretic which also has antiseptic properties. It is soothing to the urinary tract.

3. You can even try watermelon cleanse. Take some big watermelons and cut them into several pieces. Now fill your bathtub with water and sit on it. Eat watermelon while sitting on the bathtub. Pass out urine into the water. This can help in dissolving the kidney stones. Those suffering from diabetes should not follow this method.

4. Water cure is also helpful in kidney cleansing. All you have to do is daily drink water equal to half the weight of your body. This will be very helpful in flushing out the waste materials from the body. Remember not to consume alcoholic or caffeinated drinks.

5. Add a cup of celery leaves and a cup of parsley to one and half quarts of distilled water. Let this mixture boil for fifteen minutes followed by ten minutes of simmering. Allow it to cool and strain the mixture. Drink this mixture four to five times when you are fasting.

6. Boil half liter of water and add one teaspoon of parsley seeds in it. Put it in a thermos and let it steep overnight. Drink half a cup of it two to three times daily.

7. Carrot kidney cleansing method is also effective in cleansing the kidney. Take one cup or water and boil it. Now add one tablespoon of carrot seeds into this boiling water and let it steep overnight. Next morning boil this mixture again for three minutes and then allow it to cool down. Now filter this solution. You can take two tablespoons of this solution three times daily.

8. Onion cleansing is also equally effective in cleansing the kidneys. Cut some onions and fill the bottle (half liter) half with these onions. Now fill the remaining space in the bottle by vodka. Keep this bottle in a warm place for whole ten days and later filter this solution. Consume one to two tablespoons of this solution before meals twice daily.

9. Another effective method is to take a cup of hot water and add one tablespoon of crushed bearberry leaves in it and let it steep for the next thirty minutes. Once cool strain this mixture. Take warm cup (one third cup) of this mixture three times daily.

These were some of the effective home remedies for kidney cleansing which are simple, cheap and easy to use.

Home Remedies For Immune System Weakness, Effective Natural Treatment

Immune system is a system which protects our body from toxins, bacteria, viruses and dangerous pathogens. There are many factors which may cause weak immunity such as blood transfusion, inadequate sleep, ultraviolet radiations, exposure to chemicals, drug therapies, athletic overtraining, surgery and certain bacterial and viral infection. Some of the common symptoms of weak immunity are constant fatigue, lethargy, recurring infections, depression, frequent diarrhea, tiredness, stress, insomnia and dark circles around eyes. Weak immunity can cause all types of illness in a person.

Immune System Weakness Home Remedies

There are several home remedies for weak immunity which can help to protect and boost our immune system. Some of the popular home remedies for weak immunity which are very effective and have shown remarkable results are:

1. One of the most effective home remedies for immune system weakness is the use of astragalus herb. It is known to generate anticancer cells in the body and boosts the immune system. It also has antioxidant property and helps to protect liver from harmful toxins. Astragalus is most beneficial to those who are suffering from depressed immune system and dark circles around the eyes.

2. Garlic is also one of the most efficient home remedies for weak immunity. It is known to have astringent and anti-inflammatory properties. Garlic has proven to be very effective against thirty types of viruses, fungi, bacteria and parasites. You can consume raw garlic clove on daily basis.

3. Lack of water in the body can cause dehydration in the body which can result in causing serious damage to the immune system. Consume lots of water every day in order to keep your body hydrated and prevent dehydration.

4. Amla is the richest source of vitamin C. It is very helpful in strengthening weak immunity. It is known to have anti-oxidant properties. Consuming amla on daily basis helps to lower blood pressure and cholesterol in the body. It improves iron absorption, raises protein level in the body, supply essential amino acids, controls fat and flush out toxins.

5. Try to reduce consumption of cholesterol laden food, trans-fat and saturated fats. Instead you can increase the consumption of raw, fresh, whole and unprocessed foods with plenty of water. Consume food rich in minerals, vitamins, good fats, carbohydrates and water.

6. Make it a daily habit to exercise regularly. It will help your body to absorb nutrients properly and will relieve you from stress.

7. Some of the important nutrient rich foods are fruits, soy, dark and leafy vegetables, whole grains, flax seed, legumes, plain yoghurt, olive oil, green tea, nuts, fish and red wine.

8. Echinacea is also very effective in treating weak immunity. It helps in enhancing lymphatic function and boosts the immune system.

9. Goldenseal is another common home remedy. It is very beneficial in cleansing and detoxifying the body of harmful toxins. It has antibacterial properties and strengthens the immune system.

10. Take 200 to 300 grams of fresh sage leaves and put them in a jar. Now add one liter of dry wine in the jar and put a lid on it. Leave this jar in a cool dry place for couple of weeks. Shake the jar every day. Strain the mixture and consume two to three spoons after meals.

These were some of the effective home remedies for immune system weakness which are simple, safe and easy.

Home Remedies For Head Lice, Effective Natural Treatment

Tiny grey or brown parasitic insects which infest the hair are known as head lice. These insects feed on human blood and thrive on human skin. They are usually found on the scalp region, around the neckline and the area behind the ears. These head lice can spread easily through direct contact from one person to another. It can affect anybody regardless of the gender or age. Mostly school going children get affected by it. Lice infestations may cause symptoms such as itching and scratching due to the allergic reaction to the excreta and saliva of the lice.

Home Remedies

There are several home remedies for head lice which are simple to follow and easy to use. Some of the popular home remedies are:

1. One of the simplest home remedies for head lice is to apply onion juice on the scalp and leave it there for three hours. Now shampoo your hair. You can try this process again after couple of days.

2. Vinegar is also one of the efficient home remedies for lice. You can try this remedy before going to bed. Mix two teaspoons of vinegar in six teaspoons of water and then apply this mixture to the scalp. Wrap or cover your head with a clean cloth and then go to sleep. Next morning shampoo your hair. Try this remedy two times in a week to get better results.

3. Another effective home remedy is to put olive oil, mayonnaise and Vaseline on your head and then cover your head with shower cap. Leave it for overnight and wash next morning.

4. Tea tree oil is known as a natural lice killer. All you need to do is apply tea tree oil on your hair and allow it to stay there for overnight. Next morning wash your hair.

5. Take ten to twelve almonds and soak them in water. Later make a paste out of these almonds and mix lemon juice (three to four tablespoon) in it. Now apply this mixture of almond paste and lemon juice on your scalp and wait for the next one to two hours. Later wash your hair with cold water.

6. Neem leaves are very effective in killing head lice. All you have to do is take some neem leaves and make them into a paste. Apply this paste on your hair and wait until it dries. Once dried, wash your hair. Try this method for at least two times in a week.

7. Basil leaves are equally beneficial in removing head lice. Just make a paste out of twenty to thirty basil leaves and then apply it on your hair. Wait for half an hour until it dries. Now wash it off. You can try this two times in a week.

8. Nit comb is a very effective comb which helps in removing head lice from the hair. In order to remove all the head lice from your hair, daily comb your wet hair with nit comb.

9. Cut your hair short enough to make it impossible for the lice to hide.

These were some of the simple, cheap and effective home remedies for head lice which can be tried at home.

Home Remedies For Glaucoma, Effective Natural Treatment

A condition which is caused as a result of damage to the optic nerve due to abnormal high pressure inside the eyes is known as glaucoma. Glaucoma is of two types; primary angle glaucoma and closed angle glaucoma. It can be caused due to certain factors such as poor nutrition, stress, collagen deficiency and high blood pressure. Glaucoma causes loss of vision and blindness.

Glaucoma Home Remedies

There are several home remedies for glaucoma which are simple to follow and easy to use. Some of the common home remedies for glaucoma are:

1. One of the most effective home remedies for glaucoma is vitamin C. It is an antioxidant which is water soluble and helps in improving vision and relieving the eye pressure. But remember to consult your physician before taking any supplements.

2. Consume lots of fruits and vegetables in order to get essential amines. Drink water or other healthy fluids in small amounts after fixed interval of time.

3. Rutin is also one of the effective home remedies for glaucoma. It is rich in vitamin C and is also a bioflavonoid. It is known to increase the metabolism of collagen in the eye. All you need to do is consume 40 to 60 mg of rutin three times in a day. This will reduce the pain and will be very beneficial in treating glaucoma.

4. Marijuana is very helpful in lowering intraocular pressure and gives immediate effect. But remember not to use this method regularly due to certain obvious reasons.

5. Jabarandi is an ayurvedic herb which is found in Indian subcontinent. This herb has been used since a very long time for treating glaucoma. It contains pilocarpine which is very helpful in treating glaucoma.

6. Vitamin A and vitamin B are very effective in treating glaucoma. Vitamin B improves the eye sight whereas vitamin A improves the night vision. Just consume 1000 mg each of these vitamins on regular basis in form of multi vitamin supplement tablets or you can consume food rich in these vitamins. Consult your physician before trying any supplements.

7. Ginkgo bilboa is also very beneficial for glaucoma ailment. It increases blood supply to the optic nerves which results in detoxification. In order to slow down the deterioration of optic nerves you should try adding sulfate of zinc in ginkgo bilboa.

8. Consume food rich in vitamin E which will help in clearing the retina and cornea. This will make your eyes healthy and improve the vision. You can even try vitamin E supplements but consult your doctor before taking such supplements.

9. Berries are very effective in curing glaucoma. Bilberry helps in giving strength to retina and optic nerves.

10. Fennel can also prove to be very effective in treating glaucoma. You can eat it raw or use in salad. Those who do not like to eat it can try making a tea out of fennel and then drink it.

11. Spinach is a good source of carotenoid. This carotenoid is very helpful for the eye tissues and retina. Therefore try to eat spinach on regular basis.

These were some of the most effective home remedies for glaucoma which are simple, safe and easy to use.

Home Remedies For Food Allergy, Effective Natural Treatment

Allergic reaction caused due to intake of certain food items is known as food allergy. This may be a result of the immune system producing anti-bodies in response to the foreign substance. It vary from one individual to another, but the most common types of allergy triggering food items are wheat, peanuts, shellfish, meat, prawn, sugar and gluten. Some of the symptoms of food allergy may include rashes, nausea, irritation, sneezing and fever.

Food Allergy Symptoms
Home Remedies :-

Home Remedies For Food Allergy, Effective Natural Treatment

There are several home remedies for food allergy which have been tried by many people since a very long time. Some of the popular home remedies are:

1. Banana is considered to be one of the most effective home remedies for allergy. It helps in preventing and curing symptoms such as stomach pain and skin rashes. Therefore make it a daily habit of consuming bananas.
2. It is very helpful in taking four to five days of juice fast on regular basis in order to restore normal immune system functioning. This will result in helping your body to create tolerance to the allergen and regulate the system.
3. Castor Oil is also very helpful in treating food allergies. All you need to do is take half a cup of water and add five drops of castor oil in it. Drink this solution on empty stomach every morning.
4. Take a glass of lukewarm water and squeeze half a lime in it. Now add one teaspoon of honey and mix properly. Drink this mixture every morning for several months. This procedure is very helpful in flushing the toxins out of the system.
5. Vitamin E is also effective home remedy. It is known to have anti-allergen properties and can be very beneficial in providing relief to a person suffering from food allergy.
6. Acupuncture helps in restoring the natural balance of the body and treating symptoms caused by food allergy. It is a very safe remedy because it does not have any side effects. This procedure basically involves the acupuncturist placing thin sterile needles on specific points.
7. Yoga has also proved to very effective in treating certain allergy symptoms. Some of the important yogasanas like the yogamudra shoulderstand pose and half spinal twist pose are very helpful in treating allergies.
8. Every morning drink juice of carrot juice mixed with beet or cucumber juice to prevent food allergies. It is one of the efficient home remedies for food allergy.
9. Eggs can cause severe allergic reactions in some individuals. Avoid eating half boiled eggs since it can cause allergic reaction. Allergen present is the egg can be destroyed by cooking the egg completely.
10. Milk can also cause allergy in certain people due to whey and casein present in it. Therefore it is better to consume pasteurized milk.
11. Try to avoid alcohol consumption. Do not drink cola, tea or coffee. Preserved food products and bakery products should also be eliminated from the diet.
12. Peanuts can cause dangerous allergic reaction. It can cause respiratory problems which can cause dire consequences in some individuals. Therefore eat roasted peanuts only.
These were some of the effective home remedies for food allergy which are simple, cost-effective and easy to use.
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